That's Saying Something

Only a man who carries a gun needs one - Harry Carey in Angel and the Badman

Thursday, January 7, 2016

I took a poet to lunch today.

Every day at work my boss my boss titles her group chat by the name of whatever "holiday "it happens to be. Yesterday was take a poll to lunch today. On my break I wrote this poem.

I took a poet to lunch today.

I took a poet to lunch today 
and there amid the verse 
Our flow of thought was free and light 
Not stifled, bland, or terse.

I took a poet to lunch today 
we traded quip for quip
 She scrawled a sonnet on her check 
And left it with her tip.

If you can't take a poet  to lunch 
Please do not wear a frown 
We all write poems in our own way 
Andsome just write them down.

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